Goods and Gifts for North Georgia Living

30 Days of Proverbs Perpetual Calendar - Soft
30 Days of Proverbs – Soft is a perpetual calendar guessed it...Proverbs! It's great decor as a desk calendar, kitchen calendar, or reading nook calendar. Filled with wise and beautiful excerpts from the book of Proverbs — this calendar will have you hiding God's word in your heart as you say a proverb aloud each day, month after month. A new proverb for every day of the month. Once the 30 days are over, you start over with Day 1 again. • lllustrated by Kate Whitley • Dimensions are 5"W x 6.5"L • Gold spiral bound • Free standing easel backer in heavyweight card stock that is made to last • Inside pages are printed on text weight paper • Printed by Lithographics in Nashville, TN